
Robert Copeland has documented eight distinct versions of blue produced by the Spode factory, but variations often occurred.  Early designs were printed in a very dark blue.  As knowledge of the use of cobalt evolved, the factory produced wares in different hues--from midnight blue to versions with more red, such as royal blue, to mandarin, and some in lighter shades--all in an effort to respond to their customers preferences.


English Sprays
Excerpt from Border, Caramanian
Extract from "Oriental Field Sports"
Floral 1
Floral 2
Floral 3
Floral 7
Floral 7a
Floral 8
Floral 9
Floral 10
Floral 12
Flower Cross
Flower Sprays
Flying Pennant I
Flying Pennant II
Forest Landscape I
Forest Landscape II
Four Figures in Battle
Four Figures in battle Variation
French Birds
Fruit and Flowers
Geranium 1
Geranium 2
Geranium Border with Copeland - Yates Arms
Girl at the Well
Gothic Castle