
Robert Copeland has documented eight distinct versions of blue produced by the Spode factory, but variations often occurred.  Early designs were printed in a very dark blue.  As knowledge of the use of cobalt evolved, the factory produced wares in different hues--from midnight blue to versions with more red, such as royal blue, to mandarin, and some in lighter shades--all in an effort to respond to their customers preferences.


Chantilly Sprig
Char Dish
Chase after a Wolf
Chinese Flowers
Chinese Flowers
Chinese Garden
Chinese of Rank
Citadel near Corinth
City of Corinth
Colossal Sarcophagus near Castle Rosso
Colossal Vase and Cave
Combination of Patterns
Common Wolf Trap Adaptation
Common Wolf Trap Adaptation, Indian Sporting
Composite for Sauce Tureen Lid, Indian Sporting
Composite for Sauce Tureen Stand, Indian Sporting
Continental Port
Country Scene
Cracked Ice and Prunus
Cynisca Winning the Chariot Race
Dagger Landscape First
Daisy and Bead
Death of the Bear
Dooreahs Leading out Dogs
Dragon First
Dragon Second
Dresden Border
Driving a Bear out of Sugar Canes